Investments can turn your money into gold. This means that you can have more value for you money once you have put them on functional investments.
However, investments can also be a breeding ground for dreadful losses. If you can have a thousand and one ways to earn more from your money, you can have the same amount of chances of losing them. That is why many people don't take chances of gambling their money.
There are ways on how to save money on investments. In this way, you can be sure that you have only spent the right amount needed to earn the right profits.
If by any chance something happens because no one knows how to foresee the flow of the market, you will be able to cope up with your losses because you were able to save more on your investments.
So to get you started on saving more money on your investments, here are some tips to live by:
1. Never put money on something you can't afford
An investment is one great risk. It would be better to put more risk by investing on something that you can afford.
Don't try to borrow money just to invest it on something else. As they say, money doesn't grow on trees. So never expect your money to grow instantly. It would be better if you will lessen the risk of losing your money by only investing on things that require little payments.
2. Do not go with the flow
Never invest on something that you aren't positively sure why you want to do so. It is best not to invest on a particular venture if you don't have an exact cause for doing so.
Even if many people are investing on stock exchange, don't go with the flow if you think that you don't have firm motives to engage in such investment.
If you know your motives, you will surely know what to do next. You cut back the possible unnecessary fees you will be required to pay.
3. Compare investments
Try to compare investments. In this way, you can evaluate those investments that only require little amount of money but can deliver higher chances of gaining profits.
Moreover, comparing investments will let you identify the right venture that can let you save more money.
Good decisions will always allow you to save more money. So if you have made good choices on investments, you can be sure of your family’s future with more savings than the usual.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Consumers Guide To Investments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Best Insurance Saving Tips
Insurance provides “risk management solutions” to consumers to evade possible danger of financial shortfall. If you know how to buy good insurance policies, you can definitely save more money.
However, not all insurances are equal. Insurance policies may differ depending on the type of coverage they provide. So it is best to be aware of these things to avoid further charges.
Here are some of the best tips that you can find to help you in choosing the best type of insurance that you need and still cash out some great savings.
1. Do your assignment
To cut back unnecessary expenses on insurances, it is best to learn everything about the insurance policy first. In this way, you will know the necessary rates available and the particular items you are required to pay. Not all charges are deemed necessary, depending on the type of insurance policy that you have.
If you know your way around, you won't be lured to pay things that are, in reality, not required.
2. Get quotes and compare
To save more money on insurances, it is best to get price quotes first. In this way, you get to compare the rates as well as the essential charges stipulated within a particular policy.
Once you have a good quote, try to assess the important factors that can affect them. Remember, price quotes aren't the actual rates of insurance. They are just estimates of the definite rates of insurances.
Prices may still vary depending on the nature of the insurance. Nevertheless, quotes can be very helpful in assessing the estimated cost of insurance.
3. Get the coverage that you need
It does pay to ensure you and your family’s future by getting insurances such as life insurance, auto insurance, or mortgage insurance.
However, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to get every protection that your insurance can provide you. For instance, if you don't drive your own car, it is best not to get auto insurance.
Statistical reports show that nearly 65% of insurance policy holders are paying extra premiums that they really don't need. Just imagine how many dollars they can save if they will shun away from those extra payments.
Getting the insurance coverage that you need can save you thousands of dollars. Paying premiums that you can't use in the future will only be a total waste of time and money.
Try not to be conscious in getting an insurance policy. This will lessen the burden of having to pay more than what you can afford.
As they say, less worries means less expenses.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saving Money For College
College students may find it really challenging budgeting their expenses while studying. Tuition fees, expenses on books and other miscellaneous fees have increased drastically nowadays. You may find students using photocopies of textbooks instead of buying expensive books.
You may also save more money by inquiring on a government college credit program. These programs will help you on your tuition fees, college books, and miscellaneous fees. You may ask your high school guidance counselor on how you can be qualified on these government credit programs.
As a student, you should find ways on how you can save money and limit your expenses on your college studies. Here are some tips on how to save more money while you are in college.
1. Find stores that sell second hand textbooks. You may also sell you old textbooks so that you can save more money on buying new or used textbooks.
2. Budget your daily expenditures and allot only what you will need for the day. Stick to that plan and you will realize the importance of budgeting yourself to what you only need.
3. You may try applying for a financial aid at the college admission section. If you are qualified, they will offer you a discount for your tuition and other miscellaneous fees.
4. Try to shop around for stores that offer discounts for college students on selected items. You may use debit cards if you have a checking account instead of using your credit cards in purchasing personal things.
5. Look for an apartment near campus. Make sure the price of the rent is reasonable enough for college students. Look for friends or future classmates who are looking for a place to stay. You may share one apartment so that the price of the rent wouldn't be that heavy for you.
6. Decide on what course you will take up in college. In this way, you can prepare early and buy the books that you will need in advance. You may buy books online where prices are cheaper compared to bookstores near the campus.
You may also find a part time job inside the campus. Colleges offer jobs for qualified students. You may also be offered a scholarship as long you maintain the required average while you are working at school. You will also gain some work experience that may be added on your resume for future job applications once you finish college.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saving Guide On Clothing
Clothes can be really costly, especially when all the fads and trends come and go as the seasons. It is very possible to save money when buying your clothes. You just need to have the strategies and tactics on how you can save your money. Here are some tips on how to save when buying your clothes:
• Don't buy in Season clothes – different line of clothes come every season. And more often than not, they normally release new clothes at very high prices and normally they go down after a few months. Key is just patience to wait.
For example, when winter comes, coats and sweaters are released, however, after a month, normal Sale or bargain prices will now be tagged on these clothes. If you were smart enough to wait, you can still wear these clothes during the remaining days of winter and the coming fall.
• Wait for Factory Sales – when Factories put out their sale season, clothes can be cut from 40%-90% off the original price. Imagine how big this saving is! Also, going directly to the Manufacturer’s store is a helpful tip on getting a good deal on clothes.
• Garage Sales – these are very popular stores and places where you can get your clothes at really, really low prices. Find garage sales that are put up by families, in this way, chances of getting quality clothes are much higher than those garage sales that have been put up for commercial purposes already.
However, it is important to remember and avoid buying clothes just because the prices are really low, you might not even wear the clothes, and the concept of saving is put to waste.
• Bargain – always visit your favorite store and befriend the sales people there. You can then ask for the possible dates of SALE and bargain wherein you can save at a minimum of 20% off the original price of your desired clothes.
• Buy two different sizes and two different colors – If you have kids, it is very advisable to actually get two sizes, since children grow up really fast. Also, buying two colors to have variety, only if the clothes are already at their reduced rates.
• Shop Online – nowadays, there are many clothing stores online. And, most of the clothing lines have their own websites where you can online shop.
Like the regular stores, the online shops have their season for SALE and BARGAINS as well. Just make a habit of checking regularly your favorite clothing line to wait for these awaited bargains.
• Sign up for your Favorite Boutique’s mailing list – be sure to sign up for your favorite clothing store’s mailing list, newsletter and catalogs. In this way, you will be updated and be the first one to know of the upcoming On Sale Items and the new releases of the trendy clothes as well.
• Coupon Codes and Coupon Cards – if shopping online is your thing, there are many coupon codes that can be found online that could give you a cut off of the original price of your favorite online store. Some of the coupon code sites are the and
All you have to do is look for the “apparel” category code and you will be given your choices of retailers. You can also put the “online coupon” or “coupon code” in your favorite search engines such as Google and you will be given a list of sites that could provide you best deals for your retailers.
• In-Store Credit Cards – many boutiques nowadays, offer in-store credit cards. All you need to do is apply for a credit card of your own, especially if you have a favorite store where you frequently buy your clothes. Normally, these credit cards give good discounts on clothes being sold in that particular boutique.
Also, the card holders normally get special coupons, birthday discounts and other relative discounts every holidays, you can get a minimum of 5% up to 15% discounts.
Another benefit of these is free shipping, being updated of the new arrival of clothes and rebates. However, this tactic only is beneficial if you plan to pay your credit card bill a day after you have purchased the product. This is because credit card companies charge an awful lot of finance fees and interests. It may not even counterbalance the savings you intentionally wanted in applying for the credit card.
• Get a part-time job at your favorite store – a lot of shoppers apply and get part time jobs on their favorite boutique. This will give them extra money for their job and employee’s discounts on the clothes being sold in that particular store.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Revolutionize On Your Power To Save More
Part of maintaining your car is to have them repaired occasionally. Repairs can guarantee your car’s optimum performance level. It will also help you save more from spending on further damages.
However, not all car repairs were created equal. Some repairs can be very expensive, especially if the customer is an inexperienced one.
So to keep those pockets full and save more on your piggy banks, here are some tips on how to save money on car repairs.
1. Choose the best mechanic or car repair shop
Never take chances by trying those car repair shops you haven’t even heard before. Most repair shops that weren't tried and tested can charge you more than the reasonable rate.
It is best to opt for the best by asking your friends or relatives. Tried and tested, these shops can render you more services without having to charge you more than what is necessary.
2. Know what is wrong with your car
Before you go to a car repair shop, it is best that you know the problem with your car. In this way, the mechanic will be able to sense that you know what you are doing so they will be careful in charging you with the service fees.
Moreover, if you know your car’s problem, you won't be easily lured into another repair that your mechanic will tell you. Fixing a part that has really no problem can cost you additional expenses.
3. Compare quotes
The best way to get a better deal is to compare quotes form your local car repair shops. It really pays to be meticulous about the prices of repairs than to suffer the consequences.
4. Never give your mechanic the full authority to repair
It is best if you know what you want and know what you need than to have your mechanic manipulate the situation. It is best not to give him the full responsibility to repair everything that needs fixing.
In the first place, you should have known what repair your car needs.
5. Do the test drive
Don't pay and leave the car repair shop premises without having to test drive your car after the repair. This is to ensure that your car’s problem has been thoroughly fixed.
Given all that, repairs need not be expensive and tedious anymore. Trim down your car’s repair expenses and you will get extra money for your extra needs.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Save Money For Your Kids’ Schooling
It is important for parents to teach their kids on how to save money for their schooling. Tuition fees and textbooks have drastically increased. You may start saving for their college education so that you will be more financially prepared once they enroll for college.
You may also find private schools that have tuition fees that may have the same cost of tuition fees in college. The time you have saving for your kids’ schooling may be a little short to get them into these private schools. It is important that you start with an early savings plan for your kids schooling if you intend to enroll them to expensive private schools. Here are some tips on how to start saving money for your kids’ education.
1. You have to do research on the tuition fees of the different private schools in your local community. In this way, you can decide whether you are able to afford enrolling them in private schools.
2. You have to get a savings plan for your kids. It is important that you start saving early to prepare yourself for the expenses your kids will need for high school or college education.
3. Teach your children the importance of saving money. Tell them to be responsible and prioritize the things they only need in school. You may give them a weekly allowance so that they will learn how to budget their money on a weekly basis.
4. You have to be a role model to your kids. Kids look up to their parents as their role models. Make them realize the value of putting time on their studies.
5. You may consider getting them a savings plan that will cover your kid’s future education.
6. You can wait until high school if you really want your kids to be in private schools. Colleges don't necessarily look at the elementary backgrounds of students.
7. You should cut off your personal expenses since you are now starting saving for your kids’ education. You should be responsible in buying items for your personal and family needs.
You may also start preparing your kids to learn the basics of investing and saving money for their future education. They should learn to understand the value of allotting a portion of their allowances. In this way, they will have a grasp of prioritizing the things they spend with a limited allowance.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Party And Money Saving Tips
You may want to limit your expenses in setting up a party. The costs of items that you will need for your party could be expensive. You should learn how to limit your expenses and set a reasonable budget for the party that you are going to have.
Allotting a budget for a party doesn't mean that your party can't be fabulous or extravagant. If you intend to save more money on your party, you should break down the expenses that you will have for the party. Here are some tips on how to host a party on a budget.
1. You should list the names of the guests you will invite. Invite only those people who are important to you. You may include your family and friends that are closest to you. In this way, you can prepare for a quality party on a budget.
2. You should only select dishes that may need less preparation but are still impressive. You may find a variety of dishes that may cost less but can look fabulous and taste great. You may also order for a selection of dishes from your nearest catering service if you don't have the time to cook and prepare.
3. You may serve fewer courses of meals and limit the choices of food. You may serve only one appetizer and concentrate on the main meal that you intend to serve for the party. You should know the dishes that are commonly served at events like wedding receptions and dinner parties.
4. If you intend to serve wine, you should purchase wine in bulks. The price should be cheaper compared to buying in bottles offered to you by your caterer.
5. You may use your own tables, chairs, and utensils for the party. In this way, you can order only the things that you don't have at home. You may ask your family members and friends to help you set up the tables and chairs for the reception.
You should plan early for the party. You may consider using your garden as your place for the party or reception. In this way, you can save more money that you will pay for a restaurant. If you don't have the space for bigger parties, you may consider hosting the party outdoors where you can have more space for more invited guests
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How To Save On Prescription Medicine
After a trip to the doctor, you may find your head spinning not because of your illness, but because of the prohibitive price of your prescription medicines. This is a big problem since you can't skip these medicines due to your concern for your health. However, there is a way for you to save on your medicine expenses.
Here are a few tips to help you lessen the burden of having to pay too much for prescription medicine.
1. Go for generic. Most likely, your doctor may have given you a specific brand name of medicine to purchase. You could, however, go for generic brands of the same medicine type. Generic brands tend to be cheaper than branded medicines.
You may be concerned that generic medicines might not be as effective as branded ones. But the truth is, sometimes generic medicines perform even better than branded ones.
The best way to go about this without having to expose yourself to the risk of buying inferior medicines is to ask your doctor if there are any genetic variants of the medicine he has prescribed to you.
Most doctors have a list of alternative brands for you to try. They aren't limited to just one single brand. In fact, these pharmaceutical companies all jockey for the doctor's attention. They will lavish the doctors with different gifts because they know that their race for a doctor’s favor is neck-and-neck.
However doctors are usually sensitive to their patients needs and will give them a cheaper alternative when the need arises.
2. Follow the prescription schedule to a tee. Some people try to save money by skipping a dosage of their prescription medicine. However, this actually causes them to spend more. If you don't follow your doctor's orders properly, you could find yourself getting sick again and having to pay more for continued medication.
In the case of antibiotics, if you skip your medications, you could find your infection getting worse. Remember that antibiotics are a regimen, and if you don't complete your regimen, the medication doesn't work.
If you have to go back to your doctor he will then give you a more potent antibiotic since the bacteria you were trying to contain may have gained resistance to your previous antibiotic.
The truth is, antibiotics are becoming harder and harder to use simply because people don't complete their antibiotic regimen. And bacteria are steadily gaining resistance to even the most powerful antibiotics. So when your doctor gives you an antibiotic regimen, do follow it to a tee.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
How To Save On Insurance
As much as possible, if it can be done, you must seize every opportunity where it is possible for you to save on insurance. Here are some tips you can follow.
In your home insurance:
- If you think about it, you can actually save up to several hundred dollars if you buy insurance from a low-price but licensed insurer. Compare prices of the insurance departments in your state and get the lowest price but most practical company.
- Negotiate a lower selling price with a broker who works for you and not as the mediator to the seller. There may be a conflict of interest if there are too many people involved. So negotiate with just the broker.
In your life insurance:
- If you prefer just insurance protections, and not a savings and investment life policy, you can just buy term life insurance.
- If you would like to purchase the whole life insurance, then hold up to one up to 15 years. If you cancel these policies after only two years of having them under your name will mean double the insurance costs.
- Check the public library about life insurance in your state and get one that suits your personal savings.
In your home rental:
- Most of the time, we find it’s more convenient to limit our search for homes in classified ads or the referrals we get from our friends and acquaintances. That mustn’t be the case. You must also do some home-searching on your own by visiting a building that you’d ideally like to live. Contact the building manager or owner if something can be arranged. When you’re there personally, it’s easier to see about a fixed lower rate.
- Don't sign instinctively. Thoroughly read the lease because if you signed it there and then, it might probably obligate you to make all monthly payments.
In home repairs:
- Choose from several well established and licensed contractors and review their report regarding the house you would like to purchase.
- Before buying the house, make sure an inspector has already approved it and filed for no damages.
- If it is a home that is being built especially for you, do not sign any contract that requires you to pay in full. Pay in full after the house is completely done.
In major appliances:
- Research on Consumer Reports. These are available in your public library. Compare the different brands to one another. Evaluate them. Focus on the energy use. Choose the one with the reasonable price. Of course, get one whose style is appealing. Prioritize function but don't forget form nonetheless.
- Once you’ve made your choice, check the directory or the internet which stores have this brand. Then compare the prices of the stores. Get the one that has the most understandable price. Of course, you should also consider how convenient it would be for you to get to the store.
In food purchases:
- Convenience stores often have additional charges on their products because of their 24 hour service. You can save a lot just by shopping at the lower-priced food stores. Make sure their food is fresh.
- Always have a list with you. In that way, you only get what you’re supposed to get and don’t indulge in impulsive buying and hoarding.
- Compare prices of the same product. That’s why these are set alongside one another on the shelf. Stock up on those items that come in bulk for a low-per-unit cost.
In prescription drugs:
- Just like any other product, if the drugs have a brand name, there’s a tendency they’re much more expensive than their generic counterparts. Ask your pharmacist or physician whichever generic drug is appropriate.
- Just like stores, each pharmacy charges different prices for the similar product. Compare prices. They also have offers on the calling mail-order which tend to charge lower.
In funeral arrangements:
- Talk to close friends or relatives on how you would want to be buried. Make a list. If you can, be the one to look for the property where you would want to be laid to rest, or the funeral home that offers the urn that you would want to be placed after your cremation.
- Contact a local memorial society. Not only would it be easier for you but these could save you thousands of dollars.
- Compare prices of the funeral home. Look them up and read on the testimonials of their other customers. Listen to friends’ and acquaintances referral. Who says you can’t have the best even in death.
Monday, September 15, 2008
How To Save Money On Your Phone Service?
According to the Cellular Telephone and Internet Association otherwise known as the CITA, there are more than 100 companies providing different forms of phone services all over the United States.
These include land based telephones, wireless communication and broadband Internet. The top 5 firms are Cingular Wireless, T-Mobile USA, Sprint Nextel Corporation, Verizon Wireless, and Alltel.
The competition is so fierce that some offer free calls after 9PM daily while others offer affordable rates by the minute or by the second. But there are other things that the customer has to pay for in order to become a subscriber.
In order to know which plan is best, it will be a good idea to do some research.
1. People need to budget the monthly expenses. The individual can do this by reviewing the phone bill over the last 3 months. This will tell the time and frequency of most calls made and the location.
2. In the middle or lower part of the bill, the customer might notice there is something called miscellaneous charges. This could be taxes or something else so it will really help to ask someone from the phone company for clarifications.
3. There are many service providers in the area where one may reside in. Since it is hard to inquire from each by speaking to someone on the phone, the subscriber can use the computer to compare the rates to see if the existing plan is still the best among the rest.
4. Some carriers announce special rates on certain months for new subscribers. It wouldn’t hurt to call the company to ask. Tie-ups between phone and credit card companies happen often. The customer can earn points, discounts or prizes if payment is made using this method.
5. The person should always ask if there are other charges that will come out in the bill. This will avoid any problems later on when the bill is sent to the home.
6. The charges are different for local and long distance calls. If the rates are too expensive, perhaps getting one that honors prepaid cards can save the person money in the long term.
The individual may have been a loyal customer for a number of years. If the plan given isn’t as good as it used to, perhaps it is time to switch to another phone service to able to save money in the future.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
How to Save Money On Gas And Live To Tell About It
In today's day and age, it is easy to see why saving on gas is a great idea. For one, the price of gas has skyrocketed ridiculously high, making each trip around town almost too much to bear.
However, there are many great days to save on gas and still be able to enjoy mobility around your town and to and from work. Here are a few tips so that you don't have to be dragged down with the oil increase so prevalent today.
1. Get a fuel efficient car. If you are only beginning to save up for car, or are considering buying a car in the near future, look for models that are fuel-efficient. Cars drink up different amounts of fuel per mile, and you would want your car to have the best mileage per full tank.
2. Schedule your trips. A great way to save on gas is to schedule your trips so that you don't end up going back and forth to a place because you forgot to string your appointments tightly enough to be efficient. For example you would want to schedule your trip to the grocers, and any other appointments one after the other so that you can go straight to your next appointment right after the last one.
It would be terrible if you went to the grocers, then went back home because you had no other appointments left for another few hours. And then, you would have to make the trip to the next appointment from your home.
Do you see the wasted fuel going from the last appointment to your home and from your home back to the next appointment? This could be avoided if you schedule your appointments properly.
Just remember that it is best to get into your car to go to all the places you need to go to all on one trip.
3. Travel with a friend. You could have your friends set up a carpool so that you can save on fuel costs. This is because you and your other friends-or your workmates-all travel to the same places in different cars. Imagine the waste that comes from having five cars all with one passenger each going to the same place.
Those five people could all fit in one car and save on the gas costs of four other vehicles. This is why a carpool makes sense. You could take turns with your friends picking each other up and going to the same place. This would save tons on gas costs.
Friday, September 12, 2008
How To Save Money And Get Out Off Debt
One of the things that people can't live without is money. This is the only way that a person can buy stuff such as food, clothes or gas. It is also used to pay for certain amenities such as water, heat and electricity, which are vital for the home.
These things are perhaps the only things that are important for any household. Unfortunately, there are some who spend too much and in the end, have a huge debt to pay when the credit card bill comes at the end of the month.
Is there a way out for anyone in this predicament? The answer is yes and that means cutting down the budget only for the essentials so the excess can be used to pay off the debt.
The grown-ups in the household must first itemize these expenses. This will inform the owner where the money goes and how long this lasts. Some shop for groceries weekly while others do it every 2 weeks.
The same goes for gasoline used for the car, which really depends on where the person travels if it is work related, or for pleasure. This is very important these days since the price per gallon is up by more than $3 and isn't expected to come down in the nearer future.
Car-pooling is one way those who work in the same company can save money together. Refueling done every 7 days can probably become 8 or 9 maximizing the gas inside the vehicles compartment.
Do people really need to shop for clothes every week? Not really. A good pair of jeans could last a few years while a shirt or a blouse can last months before it fades due to wear and tear. This may mean sacrificing to be with the “in-crowd” but this can wait until the financial problem at home is settled.
The clothes will always be there. Instead of buying them at the regular price, why not wait till the store has a sale or a promotional event, which can save a few dollars that can also be used to buy other items.
Most homes have a telephone, cable and an Internet connection. In some cases, a service provider can provide all three. If the bill is too expensive, perhaps it is time to switch to another company that can give the same quality at a lower price.
There are many ways to save money and get out of debt. The people involved should work out a plan and stick to it so that this problem will soon be over.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Great Tips On Saving On Office Supplies
Office supplies constitute one of the biggest expenses in an office environment. However, you can't curtail the purchase of these necessities. What you can do, however, is make sure that you can save money on these office supplies. It is possible to do so without having to sacrifice your company's needs for these supplies.
1. Buy in bulk. Wholesale office supplies are cheaper than retail office supplies. There are many office depots you can visit which offer lower prices for bulk supplies. By doing so you could save as much as 30% from regular retail prices.
Also it would be well if you shop around before buying your supplies. Most of the supply products differ in prices, so you would be in the best league if you were able to pound was around before purchasing anything.
2. Implement saving measures. One way to save money in the office is by implanting policies that encourage the proper use of office supplies. For example, you could implement measures so that you could reduce the waste of office paper in your everyday operations.
Make sure you don't throw away used papers in the office; they could be used for other purposes such as backing for painting projects, and scratch paper for doodling or writing notes. Waste paper can also be sold to recycling plants for some extra cash.
3. Choose generic. Some of the pricier office supplies have cheaper counterparts. It would do well if you shopped around for cheaper replacements for some of your office supplies. You will however have to balance this against your company's image. Some companies invest in expensive materials to bolster their image. It is possible to choose cheaper materials without having to compromise this image.
4. Ration your supplies. A good cost-cutting measure would be to ration your supplies among your workers. Some workers engage in prodigal waste because they feel that they have an endless supply of office supplies. Make your workers understand that supplies cost money, and proper planning and use of office supplies is integral to saving money.
5. Perform an inventory. People are less likely to waste good office supplies if they're supplies are being taken account of. Although it may be too extreme to itemize every single supply they use, at least try to hold your workers accountable for the supplies they do use. This will give you a good idea of where their supplies go.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Business Management And Saving Money
Most businesses try to earn more by being more aggressive in production. Or, they may try to earn more and by being more aggressive in marketing. However, one of the best ways to increase revenue is to do so by cutting back on unnecessary expenses.
This can be done by the principle that focuses on more efficient production, and less waste. Here are a few tips to help managers trim the fat from their operating activities.
1. Mind the electricity. Workers are guilty of not being too concerned about the company's electric bill. However, it should be noted that electric bills constitute a huge part of a company's operating expenses. It would be best if policies were implemented that made every worker accountable for the waste in electricity within their jurisdiction.
Workers should learn to turn off unused equipment, turn off lights when not in use, and perform energy-saving tasks in the office. This is possible with some seminars from energy-saving experts. This could help increase awareness about energy-saving measures in the company.
2. Keep this office in order. Startlingly, keeping one's office space in order is one of the most overlooked ways to saving money in the office. They all know that time is gold. What they don't know is that too much time is wasted looking for lost or missing stuff.
This wasted time could have been used productively in other pursuits. Japanese business managers have for decades now implemented a policy where workers should organize and clean up their workplaces every so often. Once there are things are in order, locating missing things becomes easier. And, during a cleanup, you could find some missing items that have been long searched for.
3. Constant quality improvement. Unless the company keeps track of its performance and keeps tabs on its production process, it will never be able to know what it is doing right and what it is doing wrong. Knowing the status of the companies processes is the best way to knowing how to avoid waste. Processes that should be given attention are the ones that are repetitive in nature. Good business is always finding a way to automate the petition in the workplace. This saves time and helps save money.
Constant quality improvement also means that the business should engage in proper planning. Proper planning helps make the company more productive and more efficient. And this, of course, leads to an increase in money saved and money earned.
Monday, September 8, 2008
How The Company Save Money
Lets say a person just became the CEO of the company. This employee just took over from someone who has been in the position for a number of years but is no longer productive. The sales growth is down and bottom line is, the firm is unable to make money.
The board members feel there is room for improvement. The stockholders want results. What should the person do? Some people think a major revamp is in order but this will take time and that is something no one can afford.
A long-term plan is in order. Instead of spending, the company must learn to save on certain things so that additional resources aren't needed to fund the further projects.
Many firms believe the only way to save money will be to cut costs. This is the reason that companies such as General Motors or Daimler Chrysler have decided to cut more than 5,000 people from the workforce.
The CEO can do this by letting each department submit a report of accomplishments, pending assignments and the budget. If some of the work being done is redundant, this should be stopped immediately and used somewhere else.
The person in charge may also decide to outsource the workforce in another country where the cost of labor is cheaper. There are many firms in the United States that have done this in places such as China which is seen to be a long term strategic partner in the foreseeable future.
Idle assets that can’t be turned into anything productive should be sold. This can be done
through an auction or by posting an ad in the paper. The buyer who gives the best price can
have it and that matter is finished.
Every firm needs raw materials and other supplies from someone else. If the cost of these goods
is quite expensive, perhaps it is time to look for other suppliers. The person should make sure
this new partner can give the same quality as the previous one since this could affect the
company’s brand image in the market.
It takes more than one person to turn things around. The CEO must make certain changes and
get the support of everyone on board to make things happen. By cutting costs, selling off
unproductive ones and doing some outsourcing, everyone will be happy to see changes that
may happen in the next few months or years to come.
by John Edran
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Appliance Purchase Guide For Penny Pinchers
Not too many people consider their electric bill whenever they purchase appliances. However, for the money-conscious individual, being able control the electric bills is a great way to save money low income. Here are a few tips to help you purchase appliances that will make your life more convenient without necessarily bleeding your pockets dry.
1. Consider the appliance’s energy efficiency rate. Most appliance stores post their wares’ energy efficiency rates along with the wares themselves. These rates tell the consumer how much electricity they would expect to use with these appliances.
Make sure that you consider how much electricity the appliances will consume before you purchase them. This should be one of the factors to consider when shopping around for appliances. Although you may not feel it directly, an appliance that hemorrhages electricity will make a serious dent in your bill every month.
2. Consider your needs. While it isn't a guess at all to buy what you want, think hard and deep if the appliance in front of you is something you truly need. If it isn't something you truly need, then you might want to back off from it. Far too often, people purchase things that they don't really need. Aside from being a nuisance in the home-and something that eventually gets relegated to the garage-these things only waste electricity.
3. Go for gas if possible. If you are trying to save on electricity, you'll want to stay away from appliances that produce heat using electricity. These appliances are among the most energy consuming ones around because they produce that heat by a process that is both wasteful and inefficient.
For example, electric irons, curling irons, electric stoves and other such appliances waste electricity more than most other appliances. Instead of using electric stoves, why not stick to a gas stove. Gas stoves are more energy-efficient and won't make your electric meter spin like a top.
If you must use such appliances, make sure to schedule their use so that they are efficient. Avoid having to heat them up only to let them cool down again and using them again. If the appliance has to start from a cold start it will use up a tremendous amount of energy.
4. Go for florescent bulbs. Incandescent bulbs are one of the most wasteful types of appliances in the home. The incandescent bulb is wasteful because it not only produces light, it also produces heat. This means that the energy it uses doesn't all go to light. In fact, the light bulb only uses about 10% of its energy for light. The rest is wasted on heat.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A Rough Guide To Saving Money On Clothes
In your effort to save money low income in everything that you do, it is important that you learn how to
shop for clothes properly. Furthermore, by shopping for clothes properly, you could decrease
your overall expenditures from as little as 10% to as much as 30%.
Saving money on clothing is simple, all you need to his follow a few tips and live them out in
your experience. Here are some of these tips which will help you reduce your expenditures on
clothes shopping.
1. What you want and what you need. There is a big difference between what you want and
what you need. When it comes to clothes, you will need to balance both to keep yourself happy.
If you look beneath the labels, you will find that many clothes are basically of the same make,
quality, and style. The only difference is the inexplicable price bump due to its label.
If you are one that shops for labels you may consider slashing the number of branded clothes
in your wardrobe by half. This way you still get to enjoy those branded clothes while getting
equal quality clothes from generic brands. These brands could be just as good or even better
then ones with expensive labels. So do consider them.
2. Look out for sales. Mark your calendars and find out when the season sales hit. The sales
can save you as much as 70% off retail prices. This is a great way to get chic clothes at lower
prices. You could schedule your shopping sprees on these periods. And knowing in advance
when the sales are held will help you prepare enough money for these seasons.
You could contact your local department store to find out when they have sales schedule. They
would be more than happy to let you know when they have events scheduled. You can also ask
from store to store so that you have a complete list of shopping options during sales season.
3. Buy out of season. One of the best ways to get cheap clothes is to buy out of season. This
means you should buy your summer wear during the winter when prices for summer wears are
rock-bottom. Conversely, you could choose to buy winter wear during summer sales when these
clothes are also rock-bottom in price.
By buying out the season he could stand to save as much as 60% from normal prices. This way
you can get great clothes at a lower price without having to sacrifice quality or even brand name.
It is a great way to indulge in good clothes without having to break the bank.
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Quick Primer Or On How To Save Money
Everybody wants to get rich. However, not everyone will get rich because of the simple fact that not too many people know how to save. Being able to gain riches is all depends on how you can build wealth. And building wealth all depends on how much you can save.
If you're looking for tips on how to save money low income, and build wealth, then here are a few tips to help you on your way.
1. Get more of what you need and less of what you want. Being able to differentiate between needs and wants is very important in your quest to save money low income. All too often, people purchase what they want more than what they need. Unfortunately, wants tend to be more expensive than needs.
So next time you see that sparkling jewel that costs a few thousand dollars, think hard and deep if you really need that thing. You will need a whole deal of self-control; but in the end, it's all worth it when you're trying to save up.
Don't worry; buying your wants isn't against the law. You however have to be able to control yourself and curtail your wants and spend for them wisely.
2. Buy generic. Branded items cost twice as much as generic items. However, this doesn't mean that they are necessarily better in quality. Your goal now is to reduce the number of branded items you purchase and increase the number of generic brands on your list.
Generic brands aren't that bad. In fact, some generic brands are better than branded ones. This should make your decision on purchasing items much easier.
3. Spend within your means. Building wealth is equivalent to being able to spend less than you earn. No one builds wealth by spending more than they are capable of earning. It doesn’t matter if you earn $10,000 or if you earn $5,000, if you spent more than you earn you are still a poor person.
Even if you don't earn as much, if you are to able to set aside some amount from what you earn, you are well on your way to building wealth.
4. Try it before you buy it. Before taking something home for good, make sure you try it and understand the implications of owning such a thing. Don't forget to factor in maintenance costs, insurance, and operating costs before making your decision. This way you are able consider all the implications of your purchase before you regret your decision.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Saving Money On Bills
The best way to save is to invest your money. You may do so by saving your money in a savings account. You may also find individuals who put their money in business investments and try to earn more money.
Many people are having a hard time living on a budget. In fact, the expenses they allot on their daily expenditures are higher than what they earn from work. Based on these cases, you should find ways on how you can cut your expenses and save money. Here are some money saving tips you can use on your bills.
1. You should know how to itemize your everyday expenses. Think of the things that you should cut from your expenses. You should learn how you can live without the things that you usually have. You should realize that there are things that may be not that important for your daily needs.
2. Save the change that is left in your pocket. You may put it in your piggy bank. In case you are short of cash, you will realize that there are some savings in your piggy bank that you can use. You can also see how these coins add up after some months of putting your change in the piggy bank.
3. Make a list of the things that are important to you. In this way, you may cut items that you usually include in your shopping. Shop for only the things that you really need.
4. You may do your shopping once a week or twice a month. Know what items you will need for the rest of the week. In this way, you will be able to cut your gasoline expenses every time you go to the supermarket.
5. You should set up a regular money transfer on your checking account to your savings account deposits. You may do this using an online money transfer or electronic money transfer where your monthly salary is deposited.
6. Learn to limit yourself from drinking alcohol. You should also quit smoking. This will help you in saving more money and at the same time providing yourself a better health.
You may find it challenging at first when you cut out some items that you usually include on your shopping lists. Cutting back your expenses is the best way to save money. You will eventually realize that there are even more important things where you can allot your money.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tips for Saving Money On Electricity
According to the United States Department of energy, the average household spends about $1,300 on electricity annually. This is a lot of money and things such as the weather; the types of lights used and the frequent use of appliances are the deciding factors.
Can anything be done to make this go down? The answer is yes. By reading these tips, the money saved can be used for other expenses.
1. The weather surely gets hot in the summer. It could go up to 90 degrees or higher and the only way to stay cool is using an air conditioner. People should use curtains and shades to reduce the effort of this appliance in cooling the room under these hot conditions.
The doors and windows in the house must also be closed so the air doesn’t go out enabling it to circulate in the designated area. The filters of this household appliance should be cleaned every 3 months to keep it in good condition.
2. The wattage of the bulbs determines how much electricity is consumed. These should be checked because there are some brands available that are just as bright as others that don’t use a lot of power.
3. If there is no one in the room, the lights and other appliances such as the computer must be turned off. This can help prevent overloads or short circuits from happening that may start a fire in the home.
4. Many households have washers and dryers. If the practice is to do the laundry every other day, perhaps doing this twice a week when the load is full is advisable. This can also save some money when paying for gallons of water used during the month.
5. The refrigerator and freezer should be defrosted and cleaned every 2 weeks. This prevents the ice from getting too thick which may cause this machine to break down.
6. People have to cook in order to eat. The person can try using range top burners instead of ovens that use up a lot of electricity.
7. People who live in cold climates need a heater to warm the home. A blanket can be use to wrap around it to lessen the power used inside and while taking a shower.
There are many things that people pay for when owning a home. The homeowner can monitor the electric bills the few past months and see if the steps taken has shown improvements when the next one arrives.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tips On How To Save Money While Traveling
You can enjoy your travels without having to spend more than what you can afford. Besides, traveling doesn't have to be very expensive, especially if you are miles away from home. Doing so can put a great impact on your finances and can drain your money even before you are scheduled to fly back home.
Here are some economical tips to keep you on track and enjoy your travel with more money in your pocket.
1. Try to make a budget first
Before you start your travel or after arriving at your destination, it is best to have a good budget with you. Try to set a budget for the week. In this way, you get to keep your expenses and finances tightly intact. For instance, if your budget for the week is only $100, try to stick to it.
Without a budget, you will be tempted to buy this and that.
2. Have a map
To save more money on your transportation expenses, always have a map with you. In this way, you can anticipate the best and the most economical way to your destination. You get to avoid taking cabs or special trips just to get to your destination.
3. Bring your own gadgets
To save more while traveling, it is best that you have brought every gadget or item that you will need. In this way, you can cut back on the cost of having to rent some of the gadgets that you might use.
For example, try to bring your own camera instead of getting your pictures taken by a local photographer. With a good camera, you can take pictures you want without having to worry about extra charges.
4. Do your homework
Before you head to your destination, it is best that you know something about the place. This will allow you to steer clear from unnecessary spending while on travel. Places may differ depending on the area’s pattern of living.
For example, if the place you are about to visit has a luxurious type of living, it is best to keep track of your expenses to save more money. Try not to spend on things that aren't necessary to avoid going overboard on your budget.
Things like these can be very helpful to save more money even if you travel to places were the standard of living is expensive. It only takes a smart traveler to do so.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Cost-Effective Ways To Bigger Savings When Times Are Tight
Statistical reports prove that Americans are in love with plastics. Consumers know it more as credit cards. In fact, nearly 81% of the American households have at least one credit card. They find these plastics as the most convenient tool for shopping and paying utility bills.
The credit cards make payments and expenses so convenient that the average credit card balance that American consumers have amounts to $8,000. That is, indeed, a great amount of debt.
So if you want to avoid debts and save more on your credit card bills, try to cut back on your expenses and follow the rules on how to save on credit cards.
Here’s how:
1. Choose the best credit card
Not all credit cards are created equal. There is a particular credit card that will suit your needs. Getting this type of card will provide you the rewards, services, and interest rates that will suit your needs.
For instance, if you want convenient shopping but can't afford to go the extra mile in shopping expenses, it is best to get a credit card that can offer you with reasonable credit limits. In this way, you will not be tempted to max out your card and accumulate debts you simply can't afford to pay.
2. Go for the lowest interest rate
If you think you can't pay your credit card bills on time but are willing to pay your balances in another period, it is best to get a credit card with lower interest rates.
Consumers may not be aware of this, but one of the reasons why debts are getting higher is based on the interest rates. The actual balances are made worse through interest rate charges.
3. Choose the reward credit cards that suits your lifestyle
Don't get a credit card just because it can provide you with several rewards. Not all rewards are worth your time and money.
For instance, a flyer’s rewards credit card may not be functional if you aren't a frequent traveler. But if you are, getting a flyer’s reward credit card can give you discounts as well as points that can be converted into tickets. This will be savings considering the prices of airline tickets nowadays.
4. Keep a record of all your expenses
In credit cards, convenience is the name of the game. However, it doesn't necessarily mean that you neglect your responsibilities. One of which is to keep a record of all your expenses.
In this way, you will be able to identify which purchases weren't necessary at all. So the next time around, you will know what to avoid.
5. Do not keep balances
Never let your balances stay on your credit card bill statements for long. This means that if you have accrued balances for the month, try to pay them immediately.
Paying your minimum balance only won't do you any good. In fact, this might trigger further debts. Besides, interest rates only apply whenever you have balances. And interest rates are additional expenses for you. If you pay your balances monthly, you won't be charged with interest rates, so you get more savings.
6. Be wary on cash advances
If it isn't an emergency, never take cash advances on your credit card. Financial experts say that cash advances reap higher interest rates compared to the ones that you have on your credit card purchases, which is, by nature, soaring as well.
Combination of these two will definitely bring you to debt problems. Besides, cash advances don't take on certain periods, so that means the charges will take place instantly. That would be very hard if you aren't prepared to pay off your balance immediately.
7. Ask for a lower rate
If you have been an obedient customer and pay your bill on time, it wouldn't hurt you to call your bank or your credit card issuer and ask for a lower rate.
Surveys show that nearly 55% of those who participated in the survey were reported to have trimmed down their interest rates simply by requesting their bank or their credit card companies to act accordingly.
With lower interest rates, you can definitely save more especially if you are the type of credit card holder who doesn't get to pay the balances on time.
All of these things are catered to help you cut back your expenses and save more on your credit cards. These things have been proven effective. It is now up to you if you will heed this advice or not.
Just remember, your actions will always tell you the kind of life you want to live, so better make good choices and start saving now.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
How to Save Money
Saving money is one of those tasks that's so much easier said than done. There's more to it than spending less money (although that part alone can be challenging). How much money will you save, where will you put it, and how can you make sure it stays there? Here's how to set realistic goals, keep your spending in check, and pay yourself first.